The Evolution of the English Language

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Trying to understand the English language past and history is one of the favorite things I like to do. I believe that by understanding the past or how this great language came to being, I can understand certain patterns and habits, which could improve the way I speak and understand the English language.

Recently I came across this short video from TED that explains a bit how English evolved during the years. It also shows us how clear the way we speak and listen is related to history facts.

It is a short video, but one that can teach us a lot not only about the history of the English language itself but also about how certain words were added to the language and why.

Slow Evolution

I also came across this article where it says that the English language is evolving but in a much slower process when compared to the 16th and 17th centuries, a period of great change for the English language. If you want more details about the slower change, I recommend you read the article.

That’s all for today folks! Hope you find the video interesting and informative in some ways. Any questions, post in the comments area. Cya! 😉

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